Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Free Think and Write - Article #5

Pick any topic related to voting or government that we have discussed in class (refer to your notes). Research that topic by finding two articles, videos, pictures, works of art, or anything else related to it online. Post those sources in your response and explain why those artifacts are significant to you or your topic. Have fun and be creative, but remain school appropriate.

Controversial Presidential Elections - Article #4

Read the following post about the top 5 most controversial presidential elections. Pick one of the events and find another source online about it. Using that source expand upon the information provided in this article. Cite your source and write at least 100 words in your response.

President Obama's speech to students - Article #3

Watch the video and respond to at least three (3) of the topics that President Obama addresses. Why do you agree or disagree? Your essay should be at least 200 words.

Campaign Finance - Article 2

Read the following history of changes to campaign finance over time. Respond in an essay of at least 100 words.

1. Why do you think there have been so many changes over time to campaign finance?
2. How do you feel about corporations/private agencies funding campaigns?
3. What changes would you make to campaign finance, if any?

Government and Voting - Article #1

Read the following article. Respond to the prompts below with an essay of at least 100 words.

1. Do you feel the electoral college serves its purpose appropriately?
2. Give an idea for a better system to elect our presidents.
3. Why do you think over 700 suggested changes to the electoral college have been rejected?